One-On-One Sessions
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Get immediate, tailored results in your romantic life.

Here's what I want to know:

Once these are clear, then our work begins and you reap the benefits. We will work together to smooth out the wrinkles holding you back in life and in love. This will take willingness and an open heart. There may be occasional tears, but there will be deep belly-laughs and lots of “aha!” moments to pull you through and real changes that you will love.

When you sign up for personal coaching with me, you get:

I was recently home from overseas Military Duty, freshly single in a bad breakup, alone, and in desperate need of someone to talk to. I was extremely hesitant to take that step into the unknown depths of my issues, though, when I met Kelli I felt an immediate closeness and trustworthiness. She eased my fears immensely.

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We met for numerous sessions over the next couple months and she guided me down a path which allowed me to “slay the dragons”.  We talked, we laughed, we cried and in the end I learned who I was and how to be who I wanted. Kelli gave me the tools, the faith and the confidence to become a better Man and Father. I have the utmost love and respect for her and the help she gave me. She will always be one of the most influential people God put in my life. 

Logistics Photo Ways to Work with Kelli

Select an option to speak with Kelli regarding which route is best for you.

3-Month Intensive,
Weekly 1-hour Calls
Personalized Deep Dive
Individuals or Couples

Yes, I want this

Love Bravely Academy
Transformational Program
with Live Coaching
and 1:1 Support

Yes, I want this

Introduction to Masculine
& Feminine Energy in
Romantic Relationships

Yes, I want this

Kelli helped me to see how I was getting in my own way and thus blocking the possibility of successful, healthy relationships. She gave me the tools

Painful blocks that hinder us in romantic relationships:
  • Kelli has given me insight about life through encouraging me to be confident in my decisions. She gave me insight on how people react when I step in a room. Now I am aware of how my presence changes the atmosphere.

Still have questions? No problem.

Schedule your first FREE 20-minute call below, and we’ll go from there.
Talk directly to Kelli to sort out your questions and find out how she works and determine which package is best for you+your love life to work with Kelli.

Schedule my first free call