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Polarity: Balancing Masculine and Feminine Energy
in Romantic Relationships

Are you ready to experience more of what you crave in your romantic relationships?

More clarity, connection, commitment and yes… chemistry?

When I was first introduced to this concept I had an a-ha epiphany so epic, so mind-blowing,

It changed everything. It was like turning on a light switch and I didn’t even know I was in the dark.

In fact, once I could wrap my head around it, I was able to trace how this particular lack of awareness had created conflict, disappointment, anger and deep sadness in all of my previous relationships.

I’ve dedicated my life to exploring the role of romantic love in our lives, from both academic and lived experience. And nothing I have studied has had as much of an immediate impact on me as what I’m about to share with you.

So what is this Masculine and Feminine Energy? I’m glad you asked. Let me share a little insight.

Masculine and Feminine Energy

We all carry masculine and feminine energy within us. And this is a good thing, because we need both to function in the world. But, when it comes to romantic love, we need to choose a primary energy (especially in the beginning).

To create and sustain attraction, intimacy and yes, monogamy.

Otherwise we end up neutralizing the very love we are so eager to find.

The not so nice truth is that many women struggle in romantic relationships because we are unintentionally operating out of the masculine. And it’s so easy to do, empowered as we often are to pursue our passions, live independent lives and achieve professional success.

However, if you’re anything like me, you might have sensed that while you may be thriving in your professional life (which requires masculine energy), it’s what you’re coming home to – whether single, dating or married, that just isn’t quite working.

Here’s the rub: one often painful result of bringing too much masculine energy to our romantic partnerships is that we end up attracting men who are out of alignment with their true masculine energy.

As a result, we end up in conflict or neutralizing our natural chemistry with one another. Either way we end up unconsciously undermining what we really desire in romantic relationship.

This is true for both men and women respectively.

No wonder love can feel like such a struggle. Don’t worry, there is a solution.

The Balance of Feminine & Masculine Energies
  • I have been around Kelli many times when she’s speaking about relationships. It is amazing—time and time again, people listen... intently! The soul knows when truth is being told. People cannot help but listen, be intrigued and agree so deeply with her insight around the Feminine and Masculine energies and how it applies to his/her life. Something resonates within the soul when she talks. I believe and support Kelli because I have experienced the power and positiveness that comes from her work, her truth.

This course is for everyone. Understanding polarity and how masculine and feminine energies operate in romantic relationships is vital to helping you break out of singledom and unfulfilling committed relationships. If you are dating, married, or committed you’ll learn how to keep the chemistry and connection strong while reducing the conflict and confusion you might be experiencing.

In this course, you will:

  • Learn the differences between Masculine & Feminine energy and why it’s at the core of every romantic struggle
  • Gain clarity about whether you want to primarily hold Masculine or Feminine energy in your romantic relationships (and what the pros and cons are of each)
  • Identify how Masculine & Feminine energies are out of balance in your relationships (and how to bring them into alignment)
  • How to implement this new awareness and immediately get more of what you want in romantic relationships
  • How to take care of and nourish your feminine energy whether in a relationship or not (and in doing so, increase your magnetism and authentic beauty)
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Course 1 I'm Single

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Course 2 I'm Dating

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to grow a healthy long-term
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Course 3 I'm Married

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education in places we are
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